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Pass ECDL4 Modules 1-7 Set + ECDL Part 2
Unit E - Using IT

by Heathcote & Richards

Buy all eight modules as seven individual books for only £33.00 + 10% discount minimum

The European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) is an internationally recognised qualification for IT skills.

These books will be an indispensable guide for all students studying for the ECDL qualification, or simply wishing to become proficient in using a computer at home or at work.

  • Module 1 - Concepts of Information Technology
  • Module 2 - Using the Computer and Managing Files
  • Module 3 - Word Processing
  • Module 4 - Spreadsheets
  • Module 5 - Database
  • Module 6 - Presentation
  • Module 7 - Information and Communication

ECDL Part 2 Unit E - Using IT

This module covers theoretical elements such as
legal issues associated with computing, health and safety and good practice.

It also covers the practical skills involved in integrating, exporting and analysing data. Sample multiple choice questions are included to give students practice for the externally marked exam.

ISBN: 032PG026
Price: £33.00 + 10% discount minimum
Please note this set is classed as one item for postage
(Special offer not available to trade)

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Also available:
Pass ECDL4 Modules 1-7

ECDL Part 2
Unit E

Practice Assignments for ECDL4 and CLAIT (2nd Edition) Downloadable

Practice Assignments for ECDL4 and CLAIT (2nd Edition) Printed Book


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