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Excellent, June 2004
Reviewer: Teacher
Excellent. Clear, concise explanations and examples.

A great additional resource, June 2004
Reviewer: Sharon Hopps, Fleming Fulton School
A great additional resource to Basic Excel. Exercises are easy to use.

Useful addition , March 2004
Reviewer: Kate Davis, Sheringham High School
A useful addition to the earlier book. Links to your web site are proving a valuable resource.

EXCELLENT manuals,
July 2003
John Evitts
I shall certainly look to see what else you may have that will be useful to me. Both Excel 2000 and Further Excel 2000 are EXCELLENT manuals- the very best that I have seen so far and believe me I have looked through quite a few.

Teacher Resource Further Excel Teacher Resources (download)

Other books in the series include:
Further Access 2000-2003

Further Word 2000-2002



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