This 'AS' Level textbook covers Modules 1, 2 and 3 of the AQA Information and Communications Technology 'A' Level course and is also suitable for a wide range of IT courses including 'A' Level, GNVQ, HNC, first year degree courses in Information Technology and numerous other courses having an ICT element or module. Case studies are used throughout to illustrate the concepts as they are explained, and questions from past examination papers are included to give plenty of practice at written work. This AS Level textbook for AQA ICT comprises modules 1, 2 and 3 of A Level ICT.
Additional resources for teachers and students are available from the teacher's resource page on this web site.
Publication Date: March 2000
Page Extent: 208pp
Price: £9.95
Now: £4.97 10% discount minimum (Special offer not available to trade)