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Excellent, December 2004
Reviewer: G Welsman, Southgate College
Excellent. Very clear and lots of pictures and screen prints. Lots of useful activities. We will be recommending for our adult groups (even though the book is intended for a lower age range).

Good diagrams and explanations, May 2004
Reviewer: Amy Harris, Belgrave High School
Very useful in teaching the unit of internet and email. Good diagrams and explanations.

Wonderful publication, July 2003
Reviewer: Ann Birkitt
This wonderful publication had made access to the Internet for me (a pensioner and an Internet novice) a joy. At last a book with words that we can all understand, it may have been aimed at school children but it is a godsend for pensioners.

These books are wonderful!, June 2002
Reviewer: Adult learner from England
Although meant for kids, they don't talk down, they're amusing without being facetious and they're easy to understand.

Teacher's Book
Basic Internet for Schools Teacher's Book

Other books in the Basic series include:
Basic Office ICT Skills

Basic Web ICT Skills

Basic Software Skills



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