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A very good book , May 2004
Reviewer: A Clarke, Lecturer/ Support Tutor, Park Lane College
A very good book which uses many features of this software to create interesting presentations.

This is an excellent book
Reviewer: Mrs M Wonham, Teacher
This is an excellent book for KS3 pupils and teachers in the primary sector who need to improve their own skills in creating presentations using PowerPoint. I also have recommended Basic Web Page Creation in the same series and will be urging the ICT Co-ordinator in my primary school to order all the titles for staff use and training.

We love your books!
Reviewer: Stephanie Tuey, LRC Manager Mount Carmel Technology College
We love your books! I've been recommending them since the Basic series first came out and we now use them as set books in some of our ICT classes. Currently I am recommending them to some retired people we are running computer courses for - they belong to the University of the Third Age. I Have been lending and recommending the Basic series to them.

Teacher's Pack
Basic PowerPoint 2002 Teacher's Book

Basic PowerPoint 2002 Teacher's Pack (download)

Also available:
Basic PowerPoint 2000

Other books in the Basic series include:
Basic Office ICT Skills

Basic Web ICT Skills

Basic Software Skills


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