Payne-Gallway - the future in books
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gateway to books and teachers resources on Word, Access, Excel,Windows, CAD, etc

Great, June 2004
Reviewer: Sharon Hopps, Fleming Fulton School
A great additional resource book. Very simple, clearly defined tasks.

Overwhelmed by the high standard, June 2004
Reviewer: Adult Tutor, FE College
I am overwhelmed by the high standard of the content of your books. The
format and layout more than meet the standards set by our organisation.
Learners find the text easy to understand and follow. The screen
prints assist the learners’ intake of knowledge and new skills.
The additional teacher resources available through download are an added
bonus for the hardworking tutor.

Teacher Resources
Further Access 2000-2002 Teacher Resources (download)

Further Access 2000-2003 Teacher Resources Book

Other books in the series include:
Further Word 2000-2002

Further Excel 2000-2002


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