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Good resources, October 2004
Sue Deakin, Teacher
Good resources, will use for ideas for students who will start the DIDA course in September 2005.

Really useful book, August 2004
L M Raymer, Pershore High School
Really useful book with lots of ideas and a clear method of producing coursework.

An excellent book, February 2004
Duncan Brown, The Robert Napier School
An excellent book, clearly set out. I like the annotation on the coloured screenshots. Good to have Access and Excel.

Illustrates the requirements, February 2004
Duncan Brown, The Robert Napier School
The good point to this book is that students can see a pretend project and this illustrates the requirements of the GCSE project.

Project bible, April 2003
Melanie Fernando, North & West Essex Adult Community College
The book continues to be an aid and a guide to me as well as my students who are also delighted with my "recommended read" - more recommended reference/ project bible! This is the first year I have taught IT to the GCSE specification and the book has been a lifesaver with regard to what is expected of the students and to how a good project should look.

Also available:
Applied ICT for GCSE (Double Award)

GCSE Information and Communication Technology (3rd Edition)

GCSE Projects in Access 2000

Short Course GCSE ICT


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