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Informative, June 2004
Reviewer: Teacher
Informative, easy to read and follow.

An excellent introduction
Head of Computing, Sixth Form College
I ordered a set of 50 copies ... my AS students have been using it since the beginning of January.
We find it to be an excellent introduction to Pascal in the context of Delphi, covering the basic nuts and bolts of the language.
The layout is clear and easy to follow, and I can strongly recommend the book as an introduction for AS level students at centres using Delphi in this way.

Perfect for its target audience
Peter Hyde, Oakwood Park Grammar School
An excellent new book - I am sure will fill one of the few unfilled 'needs'!
Perfect for its target audience. It is hard to get a book introducing Delphi at this level - this treatment is ideal.

Once again excellent
Nicky Pasternak, PT Computing Studies - Douglas Academy Scotland
This is, once again, an excellent resource from Payne-Gallway. I use your books extensively with my Advanced Higher Computing class. The layout and presentation of the book makes it easy on the eye and the content is at exactly the right level. My students work through these books at their own pace and find them comprehensive, well written and easy to follow with an appropriate blend of technical language and clear explanations.

Initial impressions are very favourable
Tony Farnell
My initial impressions are very favourable. This is the first
educational text book, that I have seen, that takes into account the migration from third generation languages (e.g. Pascal) to fourth generation languages (e.g. Delphi). It's exactly what we've been looking for to use with FE students. It's a big jump between procedural DOS-based languages and object-oriented Windows-based languages. This book seems to make an admirable attempt to bridge this gap.

Very well written
Stuart Blackmore
The Pascal introduction is very informative and I like the way it uses
Delphi to code rather than use an alternative environment. This section is
very well written and I will be using it next year on the first year of my
BTEC National Diploma IT Practitioners course.
The second section on Delphi departs from the way I deliver it. Having said
this, my students would still find this book useful as a reference. I do
like the examples given in the book (particularly the graphics side). The
lift concept has been turned into part of an assignment where they code the
book version initially. Later they replace the shapes with actual graphics,
add a few extras and are extremely pleased with their final animations. I will be using your book as a course requirement.

An excellent book
David Charman
An excellent book - just what was needed to support our students programming in Delphi.

Also available:
A' Level Computing (5th Edition)

'A' Level ICT (3rd Edition)

'AS' Level ICT (3rd Edition)


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