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Thank you, August 2004
Reviewer: Divesh Upshant Kumar Bachoo, Student
I wish to thank you for the excellent books that you publish especially Tackling Computer projects in MS Access. I got 48/50 marks in my project, and later got a distinction 1 in Computer Studies. Without this book, I would have not got this result. Thank You.

Excellent examples, May 2004
Reviewer: T Churchyard
Excellent examples with simple to follow instructions.

Great, March 2004
Reviewer: P Hammond, Chipping Campden School
Great for more able students to supplement their AQA ICT Access projects.

I scored 48/50 marks in School Project and later got distinction 1 in Computer Studies.., March 2003
Reviewer: UK Bachoo, Royal College Port Louis, Mauritius.
I want to thank you for the excellent books that you publish. One of them, 'Tackling computer projects in MS Access' helped me a lot for my SC exams. I followed the instructions very well and scored 48/50 marks in School Project and later got a distinction 1 in Computer Studies. Thank You Very Much!

June 2002
Reviewer: Mrs J. A. Burnett

Well structured - example project very useful.

Exactly what is required,
Reviewer: Mrs E Barnsley, St. George's VI Form College

Both are excellent books, especially Tackling Computer Projects which makes it very clear for the student exactly what is required"

Mr M Armstrong Harris,
Edgbarrow Schools CROWTHORN, Berkshire
We are likely to adopt the AVCE texts as standard texts next year. We remain impressed by the quality of ICT texts

Great for people who already know a bit of Access, June 2001
Reviewer: Dave Bennington from Hampshire
Great for people who already know a bit of Access. Easy to understand, and working through it is not 'too' boring! An excellent book.

Superb, brilliant, useful, what else can I say?, January 2001
Reviewer: A Reader from Kent
an extremely good book, which enables the reader to understand every aspect of the a-level computing project. it gives a detailed description and includes pictures to help the user understand further. all round a superb book highly recommended by everyone at borden grammar school!

Supplies excellent guidance for A Level IT Students, October 2000
Reviewer: A Reader from North Wales
The Sample projects in this book provides the student with knowledge of what they are expected of, to gain a high grade for the MS Access project. Most computer users, do not know the first thing about programming, and the help referring to the "USE" of Visual Basic, had a great influence on my project this year. This book taught me how to Use Visual Basic to it's full potential, and without it, I would probably have failed at my Task! I recommend this book to all A-Level IT/Computing Students around the country. It covers all syllabuses, and helps everyone!

Also available:
Tackling Computer Projects in Access with VBA (4th Edition


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