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Basic Windows 2000/Me Resources


Click here to download a collection of files that you may find useful if you are studying, or teaching from the Basic Windows books. Many of the files represent those that a student would create when working through the book, and may be useful if you wish to skip some early chapters and jump further into the book.

Click and unzip with Winzip or Stuffit Expander.

The files are:
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 -
House bitmap and Address word document
Chapter 4
- Files: New Address 2 and Copied file
New Address word document with Cut and Paste
New Address word document with Copy and Paste
Chapter 6
- Complete folder structure

If any extra files are required or you are experiencing problems with them, please feel free to email the author at: .

The student resources are PC self-extracting .exe files. Click on a link to download a file then double-click the file in Windows Explorer / File Manager to expand.

Macintosh users please use Stuffit Expander 6.5 or above to expand the .exe files



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