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Pass ECDL4 Modules1-2
Concepts of Information Technology/ Using the Computer and Managing Files

by R.P. Richards

The European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) is an internationally recognised qualification for IT skills. There are 7 modules in total.

Written in a lively but straightforward and easy-to-follow style, this book will be an indispensable guide for all students studying for the ECDL qualification.

This book covers the following 2 modules:

Module 1: Concepts of Information Technology
This module will give you an understanding of some of the main concepts of IT at a general level.

Module 2: Using the Computer and Managing Files
This module covers the use of the common functions of a personal computer to enable a user to operate a PC effectively.

Step-by-step instructions, jargon-free text and lots of screenshots make this book ideal for either class teaching or individual study.

  • Requires no previous knowledge
  • Uses Windows XP
  • Practical approach and sample exercises to build confidence
  • Endorsed by ECDL

A single book covering all 7 modules of the qualification is also available (see the link on the right).

For resources to accompany this book click on an icon below.

Publication Date: January 2004
Page Extent: 96pp
1 904467 30 X
Price: £6.95 10% discount minimum

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Also available:
Pass ECDL4 Modules 1-7

Pass ECDL4
Module 3

Pass ECDL4
Module 4

Pass ECDL4
Module 5

Pass ECDL4
Module 6

Pass ECDL4
Module 7

ECDL Part 2
Unit E - Using IT

Practice Assignments for ECDL4 and CLAIT (2nd Edition) Downloadable

Practice Assignments for ECDL4 and CLAIT (2nd Edition) Printed Book


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