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Pass ECDL4 Module 7
Information and Communication

by O.H.U. Heathcote

The European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) is an internationally recognised qualification for IT skills. There are 7 modules in total.

Written in a lively but straightforward and easy-to-follow style, this book will be an indispensable guide for all students studying for the ECDL qualification.

This book covers the following module:

Module 7: Information and Communication.

The module is divided in two sections. The first section, Information, helps you to understand some of the concepts and terms associated with using the Internet, and to appreciate the security considerations. Internet Explorer software is used to browse the Internet.

In the second section, Communication, you learn some of the concepts of electronic mail (e-mail) using Outlook Express and gain an appreciation of some of the security considerations associated with using e-mail.

Step-by-step instructions, jargon-free text and lots of screenshots make this book ideal for either class teaching or individual study.

  • Requires no previous knowledge
  • Uses Internet Explorer 6 and Outlook Express 6 software
  • Practical approach and sample exercises to build confidence
  • Modules are ECDL Approved

A single book covering all 7 modules of the qualification is also available (see the link on the right).

For resources to accompany this book click on an icon below.

Publication Date: January 2004
Page Extent: 72pp

Price: £6.95 10% discount minimum

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Also available:
Pass ECDL4 Modules 1-7

Pass ECDL4
Modules 1-2

Pass ECDL4
Module 3

Pass ECDL4
Module 4

Pass ECDL4
Module 5

Pass ECDL4
Module 6

ECDL Part 2
Unit E - Using IT

Practice Assignments for ECDL4 and CLAIT (2nd Edition) Downloadable

Practice Assignments for ECDL4 and CLAIT (2nd Edition) Printed Book


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