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AVCE Information & Communication Technology Units 4-6

by R P Richards, P M Heathcote

This book covers units 4 - 6 of the AVCE in Information and Communication Technology award:

  • Unit 4 System Installation and Configuration
  • Unit 5 Systems Analysis
  • Unit 6 Database Design

For unit 4 the underpinning knowledge is presented in simple, clear language with step-by-step illustrated guides to installing and upgrading components of a PC system. A sample system specification is also included.

In unit 5, sample case studies are used to illustrate systems investigation and analysis. A sample feasibility study is given and this is developed into a detailed system specification for a database solution.

The database is implemented in unit 6 and the student is shown how to write up the technical documentation and user instructions.

Publication Date: July 2001
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Price: £10.95 10% discount minimum






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Also available:
AVCE in Information & Communication Technology Units 1-3

Visual Basic for AVCE Edexcel Units 7 & 22


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