Web Site

Step 1

On this page you will obtain an e-mail address so that you can proceed to Step 2.

  • Make sure you are connected to the Internet.
  • Click on a blank part of this browser window.
  • Hold down the Control (sometimes called Ctrl) key on your keyboard, and then press N. Let go of both keys at the same time.
  • In the new window that appears, go to www.webtribe.net and click on the Join button on the left:
  • A page like this should appear:

  • Fill in the the first two boxes with your name, and choose a good username for the third box. You can only use numbers and letters in all of these boxes - do not use anything else like brackets or quotation marks.
  • If you don't want to use your real name, then make one up!
  • Think of a password that is about eight letters long, and type it in the Password box. Then type it again in the Confirm password box.
  • Write down your new e-mail username and password on a piece of paper.

  • Click on Get you new Webtribe account
  • A new page should appear telling you that it's worked:

Don't worry about any other information that comes up - it's not needed for e-mail.
  • Click on the Email button,
  • A new window should pop up on your screen asking you to log in. Type your username in the Email Login: box, and type your password in the second box. Click Login to check your new e-mail account!

  • If you typed in your password properly, your Inbox should appear like this:

  • Your new e-mail address is [your new username]
    - for example Fred's is and Fee's is .
  • Write down you new e-mail address.
  • Click on the Log Off button to leave e-mail. You must ALWAYS do this when you have finished checking your e-mail.
  • Now close the Webtribe window you opened at the start of this page.

    Click here to go to Step 2