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Good teaching resource, May 2004
Reviewer: Amy Harris, Belgrave High School
A very good teaching resource to aid this difficult unit of work.

Well written
Nevzat Yuksel, Head of ICT (KS3)
The book is well written and activities are carefully chosen in line with the new ICT strategy. I have already started to use it in my lessons, like other books from Payne-Gallway.

Helen Fagg, ICT Teacher
I think the new book for Flowol2 in the KS3 ICT series is excellent.

Clear approach and good examples
Nevzat Yuksel, Head of ICT (KS3)
I had a meeting with the Local Authority ICT adviser, and discussed using the FLOWOL book during lessons. We have evaluated the book together. The book has a clear approach and good examples up to N.C. ICT Level 5 (Pelican Crossing-Subroutine task). Any other tasks when independently done may be given a level 4.

More on Control Basic Control with LOGO

Other books in the Basic series include:
Basic Office ICT

Basic Web ICT Skills

Basic Software Skills


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