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Basic Control with LOGO

by P Evans

his book introduces pupils to the fundamentals of computer control using MSW LOGO, which is available as a free download The book focuses in particular on the control and monitoring requirements of the KS2 Programme of study for ICT exemplified in units 2D and 4E of the QCA Scheme of Work for ICT. Teachers of Key Stage 3 ICT may also find the book useful to provide Year 7 pupils with an introduction to the basic principles of computer control.

Topics include:

  • Getting started with LOGO
  • Drawing simple shapes
  • Repeating commands
  • Procedures and variables
  • Patterns and colours

Publication Date: May 2003
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Price: £6.95 10% discount minimum






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More on Control Control and Monitoring with Flowol2

Other books in the Basic series include:
Basic Office ICT

Basic Web ICT Skills

Basic Software Skills


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