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Further Access 2000-2003

by F R Heathcote

This book does not require any previous knowledge of Access and takes students up to the level required to tackle practical work for a course such as GCSE, GNVQ Intermediate or BTEC First Diploma. It is written in such a way that students should be able to follow the tasks in each chapter at their own pace with a minimum of assistance.

Access 2003 has been used to capture all the screenshots used in the book but instructions are given for Access 2000 and 2002(XP) where they differ. (Differences between versions are in fact minimal.)
Topics covered include relational database design, setting up relationships, data validation, designing forms and subforms, command buttons, complex queries, reports and creating a menu.

Publication Date: July 2004
Page Extent: 64pp
Price: £6.95 10% discount minimum





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Teacher Resources
Further Access 2000-2003 Teacher Resources

Other books in the series include:
Further Word 2000-2002

Further Excel 2000-2002


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