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Further Excel 2000-2002 Teacher Resources Book

by R P Richards

This teacher resource accompanies the pupil's text book Further Excel 2000-2002 comprising 18 assignments, complete with answers.

Each assignment provides extra practice on topics learned in the corresponding Pupil's book chapter. Two assignments are included for each chapter in Further Excel 2000-2002. Each of these assignments requires the student to follow the given instructions to create a spreadsheet, and then answer questions to show that they have done the assignment correctly. The assignments are intended to provide extra practice in techniques already learned, and to occupy faster students while others in a group catch up. Answers are given in full together with the completed spreadsheets. There is also some advice for teachers given for each chapter on anything they might want to point out to the students before they attempt the exercise.

Publication Date: December 2003
Price: £30.00 10% discount minimum

Student Resources.

Teacher's Resources.

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Pupil Book
Further Excel 2000-2002

Also available
Further Excel 2000-2002 Teacher Resources (download)

Other books in the series include:
Further Access 2000-2002

Further Word 2000-2002




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