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Intermediate GNVQ Information Communication Technology
(Compulsory Units)

by P M Heathcote & R P Richards

This book covers the three core units 1-3 and also Unit 5 which is externally assessed by Edexcel and is compulsory. Although it follows the Edexcel scheme of assessment, it will be an invaluable text for students studying the course for assessment by any of the examination boards.

Unit 1 Presenting Information is assessed by examination and by completing some pre-prepared tasks. The unit is a mixture of theory and practical work, and develops the student's skills in using Word to produce standard business documents. It also gives plenty of practice in answering examination questions, with tips on what examiners are looking for.

Unit 2 Handling Information is a wholly practical unit, assessed through portfolio work. The unit explains very thoroughly exactly what type of tasks students should do for their database and spreadsheet projects, and how they should complete every stage. Common pitfalls are highlighted and advice on how to meet all the assessment criteria for Pass, Merit and Distinction is given throughout.

Unit 3 Hardware and Software is also assessed through portfolio work and the same approach is adopted as for Unit 2.

Unit 5 Information Resources is assessed by examination and by completing some pre-prepared tasks. Students are shown how to find information in order to complete the tasks set by the examination board, and are given plenty of practice in answering examination questions. Complete sample projects to accompany Units 2 and 3 may be downloaded from the web site:

Publication Date: August 2003
Page Extent: 288pp
Price: £15.00 10% discount minimum






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Also available:
Applied ICT for GCSE (Double Award)

GCSE Information and Communication Technology (3rd Edition)

GCSE Projects in Access 2000

ICT Projects for GCSE

Short Course GCSE ICT


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