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ICT Projects for GCSE
Publisher, PowerPoint, Excel and Access

by R S U Heathcote

This book is specifically designed to assist pupils in completing their GCSE coursework requirements and is a useful guide for students following the GCSE in Applied ICT (Double Award) for any of the examining boards. It explains, step-by-step, each of four different projects in Microsoft's Publisher, PowerPoint, Excel and Access.

These are divided into the five stages of development: Identify, analyse, design, implement and evaluate, as specified in the 2003 Edexcel coursework guidelines.

Some basic knowledge of the software is assumed, and instructions are given on how to use the advanced features for a Grade A project.




Publication Date: May 2002
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Price: £11.95 10% discount minimum

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Also available:
Applied ICT for GCSE (Double Award)

GCSE Information and Communication Technology (3rd Edition)

GCSE Projects in Access 2000

Short Course GCSE ICT



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