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Learning to Program in Pascal and Delphi

by S Langfield

This book is designed to help students on the AQA 'AS' Level Computing course to learn the programming covered in Unit 1, and to enable the Unit 3 Practical Exercise to be tackled using either Pascal or Delphi.

It will also be useful to students learning to program in Pascal or Delphi on other courses.

The book covers the basic programming constructs of Pascal, including saving to different file structures. It introduces the visual development tool Delphi and explains how to use some of its many components to produce event-driven applications, including connecting to and working with data stored in a database.

Publication Date: October 2003
Page Extent: 256pp
Price: £10.95 10% discount minimum






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Also available:
A' Level Computing (5th Edition)

'A' Level ICT (3rd Edition)

'AS' Level ICT (3rd Edition)


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