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Adult Beginner

Right from the Start is an exciting new series of ICT books for beginners. It is aimed at adults who are either at work, attending evening classes or learning on the home PC. The jargon-free books are easy to follow with lots of screen shots and illustrations.


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Access 2002 Right from the Start
Price: £9.95

Computers Right from the Start
Price: £9.95

Dreamweaver MX 2004 Right from the Start
Price: £9.95

Dreamweaver MX Right from the Start
Price: £9.95

Excel 2002 Right from the Start
Price: £9.95

Flash MX Right from the Start
Price: £9.95

Internet Right from the Start
Price: £9.95

Photoshop Elements Right from the Start
Price: £9.95

Word 2002 Right from the Start
Price: £9.95

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