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Thank you, November 2004
Reviewer: Mr Richard Rowley
I have just found your book Dreamweaver Mx Right from the start. I would like to say thank you . I am a normal human being, apart from being 59 years of age, and found your book about Dreamweaver very informative and understandable !!!! Thanks to this I now have a website after trying for a long time, nervous about uploading and finding somewhere to put it I guess. I hope you are contemplating more books like this moving on to web design and slightly expanding on Dreamweaver MX. I am glad to see you also have a book coming out about Flash MX, Once again thank you.

Excellent, November 2004
Reviewer: Mrs D Daniels, South Tyneside College
An excellent practical approach - useful for BNC in E-Business.

Easy to follow, October 2004
Reviewer: Mrs B Dunn, Latimer Community Arts College
An alternative to creating web pages. Easy to follow.

I am recommending..., October 2004
Reviewer: Teacher
I am recommending your Dreamweaver book to our learners and have also purchased an amount for our Learning Resource Centre. I am in the process of integrating FrontPage into my courses so will be recommending this book also. I am looking forward to receiving the Flash book as I will be teaching this next spring and the Photoshop I am just also starting to evaluate for a new course I am going to set up.

Great start, June 2004
Reviewer: Mrs G McGowan, Misbourne School
A great start for someone who has never used this software before.

Extremely useful, March 2004
Reviewer: Fatima Ramji
Extremely useful, natural way of creating a web site in clear visual way, even to publish sites. Good step by step guide. Worth having a look and following each chapter.

Other books in the Right from the Start series include:
Access Right from the Start

Computers Right from the Start

Excel 2002 Right from the Start

Flash MX Right from the Start

Internet Right from the Start

Photoshop Elements Right from the Start

Word 2002 Right from the Start




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