Thank you, November 2004
Reviewer: Mr Richard Rowley
I have just found your book Dreamweaver Mx Right from the start. I would like to say thank you . I am a normal human being, apart from being 59 years of age, and found your book about Dreamweaver very informative and understandable !!!! Thanks to this I now have a website after trying for a long time, nervous about uploading and finding somewhere to put it I guess. I hope you are contemplating more books like this moving on to web design and slightly expanding on Dreamweaver MX. I am glad to see you also have a book coming out about Flash MX, Once again thank you.
Excellent, November 2004
Reviewer: Mrs D Daniels, South Tyneside College An excellent practical approach - useful for BNC in E-Business.
Easy to follow, October 2004
Reviewer: Mrs B Dunn, Latimer Community Arts College
An alternative to creating web pages. Easy to follow.
I am recommending..., October 2004
Reviewer: Teacher
I am recommending your Dreamweaver book to our learners and have also purchased an amount for our Learning Resource Centre. I am in the process of integrating FrontPage into my courses so will be recommending this book also. I am looking forward to receiving the Flash book as I will be teaching this next spring and the Photoshop I am just also starting to evaluate for a new course I am going to set up.
Great start, June 2004
Reviewer: Mrs G McGowan, Misbourne School
A great start for someone who has never used this software before.
Extremely useful, March 2004
Reviewer: Fatima Ramji
Extremely useful, natural way of creating a web site in clear visual way, even to publish sites. Good step by step guide. Worth having a look and following each chapter.