Excellent, November 2004
Reviewer: Mrs D Daniels, South Tyneside College An excellent practical approach - useful for BNC in E-Business.
I can't recommend it highly enough, October 2004
Reviewer: Karen Blackeley, Manchester Adult Education Services
I only took delivery of this excellent book two days ago and have already learned to solve two of my most common problems - red eye and moire when I scan
pictures - within 5 minutes of opening the book. Yet another excellent book to add to my growing collection. I can't recommend it highly enough.
Excellent, October 2004
Reviewer: Mr N Mothershaw, Winterton Comprehensive School
Excellent step by step guide, well annotated and concise.
I am recommending.., October 2004
Reviewer: Teacher
I am recommending your Dreamweaver book to our learners and have also purchased an amount for our Learning Resource Centre. I am in the process of integrating FrontPage into my courses so will be recommending this book also. I am looking forward to receiving the Flash book as I will be teaching this next spring and the Photoshop I am just also starting to evaluate for a new course I am going to set up.
Good teach yourself resources, October 2004
Reviewer: Teacher Very good teach yourself resources as are all the similar books I have used in this series.